Friday, July 2, 2010

Whatever, leg!!

My leg? Seriously hates me today. I don't know what I did to it yesterday but it hurts like nobodies business. So I didn't hit the treadmill tonight. I'm sitting here on the couch and my leg hurts. I'm not even moving.

I am, however, hoping to go the gym tomorrow before I go to work for some overtime.

I am so caught up for work it's not even funny. I mean I still have plenty of work to do but it feels good to not be so behind I'm losing my mind.

So glad to have a 3 day weekend.

"Eclipse" tomorrow night. Team Edward!!

I am kind of really getting back into Nascar again. Thanks a lot, Reed Sorenson. It's all your fault.

I may gain tomorrow. I'm okay with that. I deserve it. My eats were not so good on Monday night.

I gave up diet soda. It's about it. I haven't had any since Monday. And I don't miss it.

Happy weekend!!

5 comments: said...

You said:
"I gave up diet soda. It's about it. I haven't had any since Monday. And I don't miss it."

I had to quit Diet Coke a few months ago, because it was messing up my stomach.. After a withdrawal period, I now can't stand the nasty stuff. I wonder if it would be just as easy to break my other food addictions?


Anonymous said...

I hope your leg feels better soon girlie.

You sure do work a lot of OT.

Enjoy your three day holiday weekend and Eclipse!! :)

karen said...

Woke up this morning and my left leg is just in agony. I did VERY little yesterday to cause it.... I think legs are just evil. I bet Blake would be able to come up with a good description for us ;)

Phoenix said...

What part of your leg hurts? I had a lot of problems with my right leg/hip when I first got back into running, it will get better though. Don't let it get you down, you rock!

Lor said...

hope your leg feels better soon! it's frustrating when our bodies don't cooperate!!
