Monday, July 5, 2010

I'm a sugar doll?

Thank you to the lovely Suzi over at Ok, Just One More Beer for honoring me with this award.

If you have never seen or read her blog, I suggest you do so. Go ahead. I'm not going anywhere. She totally inspires me to keep going and reach for my goals.

In order to fulfill my requirements for this award I have to do the following:
  • Thank the recipient....Thank you, sweetie. I appreciate so much.
  • Link back to the giver...Which I just did above.
  • Reveal 10 things about me..
1. My middle name is actually Sundae. I hated it when I was growing up and only a few friends that it was my middle name. I was embarrassed because it was different and I was the "fat kid" so who wants to have a food for a middle name? When I graduated high school I had Sarah S. put on my diploma so when they called out my name no one would hear it. My mother told me I would regret it someday. Which I do. I love my middle name now and love that it is so unique.

2. When I was 2 years old my parents let me pick out a cat who I named Fern after the little girl in "Charlotte's Web". She was the most amazing cat I ever had. She was 20 going on 21 when she died in 1998.

3. I have been an Aunt since I was almost 5 years old. I wanted a niece in the worst way but got a nephew instead. Growing up that nephew and I were extremely close, like brother and sister. To this day I am grateful for him and love him to death. He will be 30 in September.

4. I have only one niece but consider myself to have 2. A friend of ours has as daughter that I love to pieces and have a hard time believing she will be 13 in October. She will always be my Munchkin no matter what. I held her the day she was born and fell in love with her.

5. My sister Ellen is my best friend in the world. She can make me laugh like no one else can. And she understands me like no else can. I consider myself lucky to have a relationship like that with my sister.

6. I have 3 tattoos and want more. I always wanted one because my Dad had one.

7. I grew up around motorcycles and I am not afraid of them at all. My Dad had a shop until I was 17 years old and when my husband told me he wanted to buy one I had no problems with it at all.

8.The only sport I watch and care about is Nascar. My husband hates it and it's a big issue between us. We fight over it a lot.

9. I have had size 10 feet since I was 8 years old. My mother thought I was going to end up with huge feet because of it. I had to got specials stores to find shoes that would fit me and sometimes they were not the most attractive shoes for kids. Luckily these days bigger feet are more common for woman and I have met a lot of woman who have the same size or bigger feet but when I was a kid it was really hard for me. Especially since my sisters had small feet.

10. I love animals. I can't watch a movie with animals getting hurt. I can't watch any commercial with sick animals or hurt animals in them. I cried through the entire "March of the Penguins" movie and will never watch it again. I just love animals too much. And even though I know that it's "the circle of life" I just can't handle it. It breaks my heart.

I'm going to share this award with these lovelies:

The Road to NYC
A Cake For A Wife
Muffin Fixation


Ali said...

Just found your blog. I love it and very well deserving of the award. LOVE your middle name and my brothers are uncles at age 5 and 7 to my little girl. It's quite cool actually! They even let her play with their transformers on the weekend! Bless! x

carla said...

may I hire you to come here and give a ratsGLUTES about nascar with MY husband? :)
hed adore that.
