Monday, July 12, 2010

Vegas baby! VEGAS!!

It's back to reality for me. We had a great time on our camping trip but I have to say I'm ready to get back to eating clean and healthy again. My stomach and body will thank me for sure. Although all things considered I didn't eat TOO much. I ate 2 meals a day (which isn't normal for me) when I ate and even though it wasn't that great it wasn't that much when I did eat.

We had great weather except for one day when it rained and drizzled. Camping in a tent when it rains? Not a lot of fun. But even though it was still hot and humid here it wasn't too bad at the campground because we were on the lake.

We had a campfire every night (of course). We stayed up late and slept in a little bit most every morning. And Sunday was the best day. Our friends came up with their 3 kids and we just had a great time. We went swimming and I even put on my bathing suit. OMG! Right?!

But I'm not going to lie. I'm glad to be home. I'm not an outdoors kind of girl. I am really not a camping type of girl. It's my husband that loves it and I do it because he likes to do it. So when we go to Vegas and Arizona in September that will be my thing. Where I have my own shower and bathroom and a bed that isn't on the ground I'll be happy.

Which means we booked our trip to Vegas. I can't tell you how excited I am. Tomorrow I begin the workouts and try to drop 15 pounds by then September 21st, which is when we leave for Vegas. Our 10 year wedding anniversary is September 22nd. I can't believe it. 10 years!! We'll stay in Vegas for a couple days and then head down to Arizona where my Mom is and stay there until October 5th. Work is so going to be thrilled when I request 2 weeks off. Ba ha ha ha!!

I have a million blogs to catch up on and a ton of laundry to do. Glad to be home. But I tweeted my heart out, which you know if you follow me on twitter!! Kisses!!


Valerie Roberson said...

Yeah I'm not a camping kinda gal either, but kudos to you :) I think it's really sweet you went. And good job on somewhat sticking to plan-at least being mindful of what you ate.
Good luck on the laundry and catching up on everything. I know there is always so much stuff to be done when you come back from a trip!

Gina said...

Sounds like you had a good time. I'm going to be in Vegas the same time you are; thought that was funny. Maybe we can help keep eachother motivated until then. It's still hot enough to lounge by the pool then, right? I'm planning on sporting a bikini & other fun clothes & need to re-lose the last four lbs that I put back on & then another 5+ would be amazing. Good Luck!!

Anonymous said...

Hey. MY 10th anniversary is in September (the 9th), my BIRTHDAY is the 22nd of September, and WE ARE PLANNING A TRIP TO VEGAS that week, as it is where we honeymooned.

Weird, the coincidences, huh?

Anonymous said...

I like camping for a night or two but anything after that and I'm craving a real shower, my kitchen and the internet. ;)

Vegas for your 10 year anniversary!! Whoohoo!! Sounds like you've got an amazing trip to look forward too. Good luck with 15 lbs, you can do it!