Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Sticky notes? Really?

I'm not going to lie. Today sucked. I mean really sucked. Going back to work was super hard. I KNEW it was going to be hard. I slept terribly and that threw everything off. I had planned to hit the gym before work but that didn't happen. So I thought I would use the treadmill when I got home. WRONG! I was so into it last week. But just taking a few days off last week just threw everything out of whack.

I have to get it back under control again.

My eating is back under control. That I am super proud of. I was so ready for that. And it has now been 15 days since I gave up diet soda. I don't even miss it. Everyone at work was surprised when I told them today. Like it's some big deal. First processed food at the end of February and now diet soda. What's next?

So work-it started when I walked in the door. Really? A sticky note? On my desk? When I'm out of the office for 3 days? Then I have 116 emails. When I'm out of the office. For 3 days. Then the coffee machine is broken. I mean come on. Who can work like that? Ha. I relaxed a little but still. Some of these emails should have gone to other people as soon as they got my out of office reply but they never did. UGH!

Enough. No more work.

And I am still up for my one month no weigh in plan. I am not weighing myself again until August 8th. We'll see how that goes I guess.

The new running sneakers I ordered on Wednesday night at 9pm? Came on Thursday (the next day). They were on my front porch at 12:30pm. Can you believe it? I haven't tried them for running yet but I did take them for a spin around the campground on Friday. They are super comfy. I heart them.

So Vegas can't get here fast enough. I broke the news to work. Not sure what they are going to do without me for 11 days but that is not my problem. I get 5 weeks vacation time and I'm using it.



Blubeari said...

Tell em! Def don't feel guilty for having a break!!

Respectfully Yours said...

Going back to work always sucks.

SherRon said...

That is some fast shipping on those shoes! So excited for vegas! You'll have to tell what more of your plans are!

Mrs. Tasha said...

Join me every Tuesday for Try it Tuesday! New Recipes for Healthy Living! Grab a Button from my page and link to all of your bloggers! :) Thanks!!


karen said...

If you had that much after only 3 days imagine the fun you'll have after 11! (Sorry ... had to ...)

Anonymous said...
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carla said...

so glad you heart the new shoes.


Inquiring minds and all :)


266 said...

I have something for you on my blog!