Monday, February 15, 2010


Alright my awesome friends. Thanks to John over at Smoke Training I have hit 100 followers and now I am going to decide on a giveaway. Not sure what yet but I am going to do something. I will most likely post it this weekend (I got paid on Friday ha ha) but it will be coming.

I had a rough Valentine's weekend. I ate and enjoyed myself. We had fun. I'm not going to lie. But this self destruction has to stop when it comes to unhealthy eating. I had a great Valentine's day. I love my husband. I am a lucky woman who has such a devoted man who loves me the way I am and doesn't care what I weigh and only wants me to be happy.

Tomorrow I start hitting the gym again. I have a brand new urine free gym bag (I think I mentioned my cat peed in my gym bag, yes?) that I have yet to use.

And Friday? Well Friday I am going back to Weight Watchers. I may pick up a goodie or two for the giveaway. We'll see.

Saturday the sister and I are going to see "Shutter Island". I sucked down that book so fast you would not believe. It was so good. I can't wait to see the movie. I adore Leonardo DiCaprio and I hope the movie does the book justice.

I am really enjoying my 4 day weekend. Too bad it is going to end tomorrow. Boo!!

So a giveaway is coming!! Just have to decide what to giveaway!!


Anonymous said...

Whoo hoo congrats on having 100 subscribers totally awesome. I'm so excited about your giveaway can't wait to see what it's going to be.

karen said...

I am so excited about seeing that movie AND reading the book! Since we don't go to the movies unless it's an animated feature I've got plenty of time to get my hands on the book & devour it :)
Congrats on the tons of subscribers!

Tired of My Fat Suit said...

Hey - I love your blog. I'm just heading back to WW myself after a little vacation from dieting...and regaining the 15 pounds I'd previously lost. Thanks for the motivation.