Friday, February 5, 2010

healthy and fit

Okay ya’ll. I am seriously struggling these days. You know that I gained 4 pounds a couple of weeks ago. And I was okay with that. I know it came with stress from work and when I get stressed I tend to eat. I’m an emotional eater who likes to eat cake when she gets her hands on it. And sugar makes me want to eat more sugar. Which is just not good for me.

Anyway, so I lost 2.4 of those pounds last week. Which Woohoo Yeah Ra Ra right? But I’m still not sure how I did that because it was the week before TOM and I only went to the gym once. But I was happy. Even though ww online was not happy, giving me the little “losing more then 2 pounds a week is not healthy” speech. Tell me something I don’t already know thank you very much.

I haven’t gone back to weight watchers meetings yet. And I want to. I’m a bit nervous about it. But I am ready. Because I have my best success going there (um 100+ pounds thanks). And I am struggling so much with staying under 240 pounds. I’m afraid if I don’t get back there I am going to shoot back up to the 250’s before I know. I worked so hard to get here, even though it took awhile.

I have so much I want to do over the course of the next few months. And being overweight just makes me unhappy. I’m not comfortable. I enjoying being healthy and fit and working out.

I’ll also admit that I am ashamed to go out at times. I don’t want people to see how much weight I’ve gained. Yes-I have lost some of that weight but at one point I was so proud of myself and couldn’t wait to show off how my hard work. Which I somehow let slip away. And it’s embarrassing to me how I let myself go (again). Which is why I want to work really hard to get off as much weight as I can before my cousin’s wedding in May. Even if it’s only another 20 pounds. That would be something.

So I’m being brutally honest. I’m going to try to be the best weight loss blogger I can be. And if try to go back to weight watchers tomorrow if I can have the truck. Not sure if hubby has plans. I may have to have him drive me there or get a ride or SOMETHING. Like I’ve said before-sharing a vehicle BLOWS but we are working on it.

I am going to try and start posting more pictures, etc.

Okay-lots of stuff to do here. Mah!!


Manderz said...

I'm sorry you are having a hard time. Its normal - we all go through it! I've been through it over and over. My best advice is to get your butt to that WW meeting. I owe my sucess for attending weekly meetings for 2 years.

If you really want this - you can get it! Now, stop beating yourself up and get back on your game.

M and A said...

I'd agree with Manderz! Get to your WW meeting! I finally became a LIFETIME member by going for 1 year! Get back up on the wagon! You can do it!

WWSuzi said...

We all have times that we struggle through!! I do believe it would help to have the support of your meetings.