Saturday, February 6, 2010

Another Saturday

I don't feel well. I think I just may be coming down with what the hubby has. Yuck. Honestly I do not have time to get sick. I have too much to finish up at work before my 4 day weekend next week.

Right now I'm just relaxing and enjoying a late cup of coffee. I usually try to cut the caffeine off by 11am but I decided to treat myself today because I'm not feeling all that hot right now.

I'm also down 0.6 pounds this morning.

Yes-I still would like to go back to weight watchers meetings. And plan to in time. But right now money is very tight. So I am going to hold off on right now. I know that if I get my lazy butt to the gym and follow the online plan like I know I can, the weight will come off. And I plan to do that.

Tomorrow I am going to the gym. And I start back at it. To see how much I can drop before my cousin's wedding. I am hoping 20 pounds but 15 would be fine, too.

Hello to all my new followers! I am close 100 right now. I am pretty excited about that.

I just finished reading "The Time Traveler's Wife" last night. What an amazing book. Next in my pile is "Shutter Island". Thank you paperbackswap dot com! I have gotten some amazing books from there since I signed up. And someone signed up through me and I got a credit but I don't know them. So thank you-if you read my blog!

Hubby and I are not football fans so we are not excited about the superbowl. I am a Nascar fan so I am excited about the Daytona 500 next weekend though!! Woohoo!!

I am going to lay low this today since I don't feel that great. Hubby took a big test yesterday at school and PASSED! He can know start looking for a job. I am so proud of him. I knew he would do it. I also am going to watch the "Biggest Loser" from Tuesday since I missed it due to "Lost".

Happy Saturday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry your not feeling well. Get well soon sweetie. Whoo Hoo congrats on the loss. I know what you mean I'm totaly can't wait for Daytona 500.