Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!!

I'm happy to be back at 237.4 pounds. I took a pound off last week although I'm not sure how I did that. I was sick. I didn't eat that great. And I only worked out once. But I'll take it.

I plan to workout out 3-4 times this week and see what happens. Hopefully I'll get to the gym a few times. I don't know about you, but I would much rather be at the gym sweating and getting healthy then at home. Not sure why that is.

So I went into work yesterday for 4 hours. And I easily could have worked 8 hours. I was gone for only one day (I also have Monday off, too) and it was a disaster. I'm not sure what the grand plot was when they decided to let 2 coworkers go in my department but it certainly has NOT helped me at all. Which is why I gained back 4 pounds in the first place.

No big plans for Valentine's Day for the hubby and I. I am making dinner tonight. I'm just looking forward to spending time with him. I kind of wish we were going out somewhere nice just to say we were but as long as I am with him I am happy.

After work yesterday Hubby and I went to the airport to pick up his parents. They were coming back from the service for his Aunt. I still wish we could have been there. But we just didn't have the funds to fly. It would have cost too much money. And everyone knew that. We could have driven but the thought makes my stomach turn (I got car sick so easily). Being at the airport just makes me wish I had plans to fly somewhere nice. Hopefully we'll be going to Arizona and Vegas in September for our 10 year wedding anniversary. But we'll have to wait and see on that.

So my blog friends. I am very close t hitting 100 followers. I am going to do a giveaway once I hit 100 followers. Not sure what I am going to giveaway yet but I have a few ideas. I just need one more person. One more. And hello and thanks and Hey!! To all my new followers.

1 comment:

carla said...

Im a follower!!
