Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Happy Birthday Dennis!

As always Groundhog's day brings a bit of happiness and sadness to my life. It would be my friend and co-worker's 44th Birthday today. Dennis would have been 44.

He passed away in March of 2005. He went home sick from work and died the next day at the hospital. It was so quick and sudden we all barely had time to register it. I never met someone like him before. He loved to eat. He loved to laugh. He always made me laugh. He was always up to something. He was loads of fun. And he could cook up a storm!! He was always bringing in something TERRIBLE (in a good way) to eat. I miss him a lot. We all do. And I can't help but wonder what he would think about the way things have come about at work these days. They have changed a lot since he left us.

As for me, things are going pretty well. Diet is going well. I am resisting the urge to come home and open up mouth and shovel in food. It can be really tough sometimes. I can so stressed at work. I don't understand how people can have a job when they are making the mistakes they make. My 4 day weekend cannot get here fast enough.

Remember my fitbit? And how happy I was to get it for Christmas? Right now I'm not happy with it. The screen isn't working. And this isn't the only problem I've had with it.

Time for "Lost"!!

1 comment:

Carolina John said...

wow, that is a sudden loss of a friend. so sad.