Sunday, February 28, 2010

going to watch me some Hockey

Made it to the gym this morning. I was dragging and really didn't want to go but as usually once I was there I was super happy about it.

And for the first time I remembered to wear my Polar HR monitor. It actually works with the cardio equipment there so I was able to monitor my HR without looking at my wrist the whole time. Pretty cool. Luckily I turned the volume off so it was buzzing at me every time my heart rate went up. I did 40 minutes on the Elliptical and then 20 minutes of weights.

Then I was off to work for 4 hours of OT. I was able to really push my way through my huge stack of paperwork and had 4 pieces left that I have to really work on tomorrow when I get back. But with tomorrow being the 1st of March I had to really get as much done as I could.

And then this week I have to make a billion new patient charts. Fun times.

I am out of my funk that I seemed to be in last week. Feeling MUCH better and I am so happy about that. I hope this week is much better then last week.

I am so ready for spring. Last week was horrible weather wise. It rained or snowed nearly every single day. I hate gloomy weather. I don't tan but I might have to schedule a few tanning sessions only to get some vitamin D to help me not feel so depressed if this weather keeps up. I just slather on the lotion so I don't burn.

I'm going to watch me some Hockey now. I'm not a fan and I have actually never set down and watched it but this is a big deal with the Gold medal and all. I also need to shower. And make dinner.

Happy Sunday!!

1 comment:

Carolina John said...

Glad you are feeling better now... er... were feeling better before seeing the outcome of the hockey game?

crosby is the daddy of the mac daddy. hands down.