Thursday, February 25, 2010

Under statment

To say I had a rough day at work today would be an under statment. I literally was in tears. And I am not a big crier. I was able to calm down after awhile. I know it was hormones (damn you TOM) but I am sick of being so frustrated and under appreciated.

Of course the first thing I wanted to do was eat. But I didn't. I hate being overweight. I am so tired of being tired and I want to just stay in control. So instead of diving into some chocolate (those who follow me on twitter will know I wanted to) I was able to keep things calm and collected.

I tried something an omelet for dinner tonight which I haven't had in awhile and truly enjoyed it.

And then after reading and rereading the blog by Jess over at Truly.Into.Fitness I decided to make up some clean foods for tomorrows lunch. I feel like I have a lot of food to eat for all I have packed up but I have kept it within my points range.

The one thing lacking (as usual) in my life is the exercise.

And I can't wait for the weekend to finally get here.

1 comment:

Respectfully Yours said...

I'm sorry you had such a bad day. But good for you for not letting it get the best of you. Hugs, tomorrow is Friday, it will be better.