Wednesday, February 3, 2010

At least it is Wednesday

Hello my lovelies. Today is the first day in a week that I am feeling like myself again. TOM can be a bitch sometimes.

I didn't watch "The Biggest Loser" last night. I know what happened thanks to google and looking it up online. But to be frank with you-I didn't really miss it. This is the first season that I haven't been able to really get into the show. I hate the red team with a passion and I find they are ruining the show for me.

I skipped it to watch the premiere of "Lost" which did not disappoint. WOW! That blew my mind. I can't wait for next week. I am sad that this is the last season but I also cannot wait to see how it is going to end.

I'm trying to figure out my exercise schedule. Since I am allowed overtime at work I am taking it. What I need to do is work 4 hours on the weekend and not stay late during the week and that will solve my problems.

Eating is going well. I can hope to at least stay the same this week.

Lots of blogs to catch up on!!

Also do you want a free lulu water bottle? Then head on over to Ali's page for her giveaway!!

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