Sunday, February 7, 2010

Still sickly

I am still feeling sick. I spent all of yesterday in my pajamas. I did laundry and a few other things around the house but that was about it.

And this morning? I still feel horrible. So I didn't go into work today like I had planned. And I am so not going to the gym like this either. Because I know from my past experiences that it will only make it worse if I go work out. As soon as I am feeling 100% better I will be back at it. Or at some form of exercise. Whether it be at home or at the gym or whatever.

I also would like to follow the lead of many of my fellow bloggers who post their food on their blogs. I noticed that the lovely Andrea has been doing that this week and it has given me some ideas. Now I am the kind of person who tends to eat the same thing a lot. And I may not post pictures everyday but I figure why not at least a couple times a week? That might help keep me on track.

I have the worst headache in the world today. Ugh. Going to lie down I think. Enjoy your Sunday my friends. If you are watching the superbowl don't eat too much!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aww, sorry to hear that you're still not feeling well. Rest up girl!

PS. Looking forward to your food blogging.