Thursday, February 25, 2010

Cold and Rainy

This week the weather has been very strange.

Currently it is cold and rainy outside. Tuesday it is snowed. But it also rained. Tomorrow it is going to snow. I believe Saturday and Sunday we are going to get more snow. Not a fan of the winter at all so I am not enjoying this at all. I need to move to Hawaii.

Due to the weather on Tuesday I ended up staying home and working out. Hubby had said he would drive me to the gym but I didn't want to risk it. I did Jillian's 30 Day Shred (which I totally feel in my legs today) and then I did some time on the treadmill. I am so sick and tired of this yo-yo I've been doing to my body. I want to treat myself good and I know by working out and eating right I'm going to do that.

I'm having a rough work week. I am just sick and tired of babysitting everyone. It's so frustrating. I can't wait until the weekend. I still don't know what they thought when they let 2 people go in my department. It has done nothing but stress me out.

Treating myself to a coffee on the way in to work. I have a gift card that I have hardly used. I gave up creamer this week. Don't need the extra calories anyway. I just liked the color in my coffee.


Jaime said...

Yay! Found you. How I didn't know this was you is beyond me. Duh. Anyway I'm here now!

I switched to skim in my coffee a long time ago...just recently I went back to creamer but scolded myself for it. LOL.

Carolina John said...

the 30 day shred will certainly make you sore. hang in there with all of this snow. it's throwing us for a loop down south too.

Angela Power said...

I echo was Jaime said. I can't believe I was confusing you with another Sarah for so long!

Cutting coworkers always puts stress on everyone else! Booooo!