Monday, February 8, 2010

Even worse


Still sick. Worse then yesterday. I woke up this morning after getting nearly 10 hours of sleep and thought I was back to good health.

But by 10am this morning I was dragging. I felt even worse then I had all weekend.

I made it through work and now I'm ready to curl up up some good medication and rest for the night.

If my neighbors ever stop hammering upstairs that. Not sure what it is they are actually hammering but it's kind of annoying.

Hope to back to good health soon!!


Jen, a priorfatgirl said...

oh no! I hope you feel better SOON!!!

Tamzin said...

Hot tea and lemon!! Hope you get some rest - that is key in getting well!


karen said...

I ditto Jen's "oh no!" And her feel better soon, actually. I'm so freakin' original it kills me sometimes.