Thursday, March 19, 2009

blowing off some steam

I’m taking Monday off from work for a mental health day. I totally need it and am looking forward dot having a 3 day weekend.

I’m still pretty upset about work stuff. I’m not the only one who is upset and I’m just not ready to talk about it right now. Things are really screwed up and I am supposed to be talking to my boss today, if he ever decides to show up to the office today.

Eating is good. I stepped on the scale this morning and I’m up a little bit from last week (oh maybe because Friday I ate everything that was glued down). But I am feeling 100% committed these days and I hope to either maintain for my weigh in or be up a tiny bit. But next week, I hope to see a nice loss.

Planning on hitting the gym tonight and tomorrow. Hubby is going to start going with me starting tomorrow and I am really looking forward to it. I know that I am totally looking forward to going tonight and blowing off some steam. I’m going to FINALLY get to listen to some Jillian Michaels podcasts while I am there. Pretty excited.

“Biggest Loser” talk coming soon.. I finished Tuesday’s episode last night. Happy but also not happy with the show and things that happened.

**edit** 2:11pm

I spoke with my boss about the situation that came up yesterday and I’m feeling better about things. Hopefully things will blow over and go back to “normal” soon enough.


♥ Dee ♥ said...

Good for you for keeping open communication lines with your boss.

Anonymous said...

Awesome job on getting back on track and being 100% committed. Your doing so great with your workouts. Lately I’ve been lacking in all areas. I can’t wait to read your reactions to Jillian’s podcasts. Glad that you and your boss spoke and yoru feeling better about things at work.