Saturday, March 14, 2009


I am out of shape. Waaaaaaaay out of shape. I did my first P90x tonight and wow. It beat the crap out of me for sure. I was a little upset during one part. For letting myself get like this again. For letting myself get so fat and out of shape. Ugh! But I pushed on and managed. Anyway, the first one I did was Core Synergistics and it was tough. A great workout, but tough. Damn that superman banana. lol

Not saying I'm going to do this for the rest of my life but for days I'm not hitting the gym or days I don't WANT to hit the gym, it works well. With hubby nearly able to start working out (his 6 weeks will be this Friday) I may actually go to the gym more since he wants to start. We'll see.

I'm kind of in a bit of a depressing "funk" right now. Hopefully I'll get out of it soon. I think besides my weight issues, work is doing a number on me.

Off to watch Thursday night's "Grey's".

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