Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Reality bites

Going back to work was HARD! I really should have worked on my resume this weekend. HR came in and I thought that I was going to get into a bit of trouble because of what happened last week but I didn't. She wanted to talk to everyone about things that were going on and make sure we all knew we could talk to her blah blah blah.

Whatever. Nothing ever changes and since I've been working there for nearly 8 1/2 years, I know that.

I was trying to talk myself out of going to the gym tonight but what would be the point of that? I'd sit around doing nothing watching television. So I'm going. Since "the Biggest Loser" is on a 9pm tonight I'll probably see the first 45 minutes or so at the gym and watch the rest when I get home. I totally want Tara to make 100 pounds lost tonight. Okay, Kristin too, even though I don't really care for her.

At least it's a short week and tomorrow is Wednesday.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Hang in there. When you eventually do escape that workplace you will be so happy. I look forward to reading about that eventually :) Until then I hope it does not take too much out of you.