Saturday, April 17, 2010


Down another 1.6 pounds this week my friends. Which just goes to show that, once again, that counting my points and working out, 4 days a week, works for me. I had plans to go to the gym this morning before heading to work for overtime but it didn't happen. And I think I am going to change my gym schedule around. am going to go Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Going Saturday and Sunday kills me. Totally knocks me on my butt and I miss sleeping in a little on the weekends. I was up at 7:30 today but it's better then 5:30am.

Speaking of the gym, all that leg work I did yesterday is causing my legs to scream very LOUDLY this morning. WOW!

I am going to confess, right now, about something. I am following the old weight watchers program. The one before flex points. Because I hate flex points. I don't believe in them and they have done nothing but get me in trouble since they started 6 years ago. I don't like them. And since I have been following the old program, which I started back at the end of Feburary, I have lost a decent amount of weight. Like 15 pounds. In 2008, with the flex program, I lost 13 pounds in 3 months. THREE MONTHS. So something didn't work for me there. So I am going to continue to do what works and see what happens.

I am lunching with 2 of my sisters today. I can't wait. I have already looked at the menu of where we are going so I can plan my food. I don't want to be surprised and make bad choices.

I have to get back to work but I hope everyone has a great Saturday!!


Whitney said...

Sarah - you won my giveaway!!

Send me an email with your mailing address and I'll send off your new book on Monday!


Jaime said...

Congrats on the loss girlie! Hey man, whatever works...who cares if they say you have to use FP. As long as you're healthy do what works for you!

Andy said...

Congrats on the loss! That's really interesting about the flex points ... are you doing the version where you got a points range and you could 'bank' points for another day? Or something else?

Karla said...

Great loss!!! :)

counting, and journaling is the key also for me. I don't use any of my weekly extra points... is that what you mean by flex points? BUT I don't count my Carnation sugar free creamer, so I figure that is what I use those "extra" points for... to hard to measure coffee creamer

again GREAT loss!!!

Janna said...

Congrats Sarah! What an awesome way to start the weekend!

Have fun with your sisters!

karen said...

Congrats, Sarah!!! If my weigh-in tomorrow goes half as well I'll be pretty stoked :)

christina said...

Congrats on the loss! I love that my favorite bloggers have their weigh ins on the weekends - I weigh in on mondays. So seeing everyone have a loss or struggling through a not so great number keeps me motivated and on point through the weekends to my monday weigh in. It has helped me more than once!

I try not to use my extra weekly points. I had a problem with them - knowing they were there and I could use them found me eating in the evening when I wasnt really hungry and just wanted to munch because I COULD since I had the points. Not because I SHOULD have or that I NEEDED it. The only time I use the points is if we are planning a dinner out which isnt very often.