Tuesday, April 6, 2010


So I kind of jammed up my toe a little bit today. I was half asleep this morning and slammed my toe big time into the entertainment center while stumbling around in the dark trying not to trip over the starving cats. Who I think are trying to kill me by the way.

I didn’t let it stop me from going to the gym. I think that made it worse because by the time I got to work it was throbbing something fierce. And I was limping and hobbling around pretty badly. Luckily I work where I have access to medical tape so I taped my toes together and it feels so much better. I doubt I broke anything since I can walk on them. I have taken some Tylenol. That seemed to help, too. And my coworker who injured her ankle on vacation had her ice left in the freezer so she let me use that. So we'll see what happens.

My first day back at work wasn't bad. It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be.

Off to catch up on all your blogs my lovelies!!


Amy said...

Even though, I'm pretty sure there's nothing they can do for a broken toe, you might want to have it looked at? At least you'd get some pain meds! :)

Anonymous said...

Advil (ibuprofen) might be better, as it reduces inflammation.