Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Pizza, Pizza

I have been craving pizza for about a week now. And it's been killing me. Today my coworker ordered pizza for lunch and I just about died. But what kept me from eating it was all the nice comments I had been getting about how it looked like I had lost weight.

So since tonight was grocery night I picked up a few yummy things to make my own pizza and it worked! I am no longer craving pizza!! I am super happy about that because sometimes when I start craving something I start eating everything else until I eat what I really want.

I can't wait to get to the gym tomorrow!!

Right now my living room looks like a clothing store. I have 3 dresses hanging up. One for the wedding (the one I am trying so hard to fit into it), one for the wedding shower (which is a week from Sunday and I know I fit into it) and then one I hate and hope I don't have to wear to the wedding. I am keeping the wedding dress out to keep me inspired. It's a size 18/20 so fingers crossed my friends!! I hope to be 220 by the wedding which is Memorial Day weekend. I have 6 weeks to go!!

And that makes 2 updates for me today! WOW!!


Andy said...

Great job Sarah! I lovvvve homemade pizza. I find that one craving actually pretty easy to satisfy -- it's mostly the pepperoni / cheese / sauce combo that I crave, so throwing those ingredients on a pita or flatbread usually does it for me. :)

You shoulda took pictures of your pizza!! :)

Sheri_in_SD said...

I totally know what you mean! The thing that has totally saved me is Flatout bread - I've been using those for pizza crust and they're great! They've got something like 12 grams of fiber, so they only end up being 1 point (WW). If you cook them in the toaster oven, the pizzas come out nice and crispy! :)