Saturday, April 10, 2010

Happy Birthday to my Big Sister

I would like to wish a Happy 40th Birthday to my Big Sister!! Growing up I wanted to be just like my sister. Everything she did I did. She was everything I wanted to be when I grew up. And I am so lucky to be able to call her my best friend. I can't believe she is 40 because in my heart we are still too kids goofing around in the backyard or dressing up my cat Fern (yes, my poor cat) in doll clothes or going to my first concert together (for the record it was the Monkees). I have such great memories with her that I can't even begin to get into them all. I love you El the Belle!!

o I guess the worrying about gaining weight this week because of my mega huge 4.4 pound loss last week was all for nothing because I lost 1.2 pounds this week.

Woot! Woot!

227.2 pounds my lovelies! I can hardly believe it myself. Who knew exercising and eating right would lead to me hitting the 220's in like a month? I mean seriously? I mean hell-I knew it but I guess I forgot.

I have been feeling really good lately. My clothes are fitting amazingly great. And by amazingly great I mean loosely. And I'm fitting into clothes I haven't worn in nearly 4 years. So everything is really coming together very well.

So I think maybe I won't worry about getting in a 5th day at the gym right now. Because I don't think I need it.

And speaking of the gym-I hit the cardio HARD CORE this morning. I busted some serious butt on the elliptical this morning. It felt amazing. I did however not enjoy the two ladies next to me chatting up a storm. If I can hear you with my headphones on there is a problem. I understand it's loud in there but seriously? I also don't want to have blast out my own eardrums to block on the sound of your voices either.

So anyway that is my Saturday so far. Hope everyone else is having a fantastic day!!

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