Friday, April 2, 2010

Slept in

I was going to step it up this week and hit the gym 5 times but that didn't happen today. I was tired and slept in. And by sleeping in I mean 8am. Whoa! Hold me back. I mean I am on a mini vacation and all, right?

I did go yesterday and did 30 minutes on the stepper and 30 minutes on the elliptical. I had planned to go today but it's no big deal. I got in my 4 days already for the week. But I would like to start going 5 days a week soon.

I'm a bit nervous about Easter coming up. Holidays are always hard and I'm not sure what I'll to deal with on Sunday. We're going to my husband's family's and the is usually never anything healthy. Last year we went over for a father's day thing and there was not even one drop of diet soda. So that was tough. So I'm hoping I can at least make it through somehow. I will hit the gym before hand.

I'm totally loving this not working thing. I know Tuesday is going to hit me in the head like a ton of bricks. And I can only imagine what is going to be waiting for me when I get back. But right now I am not worrying about it.

And I am off to go do some cleaning. Happy Friday ya'll!!


Melissa said...

Just an idea, and am not sure if your inlaws would take offense, but maybe bring some diet soda with you to their holiday event? Otherwise water is always an options or club soda (if they have it out as a mixer for drink)? Great job in making it to the gym 4 days this week (and the past few weeks too) you should be really proud!!!

Amy said...

Nice job on the gym time! Sometimes you do need to just chillax and sleep. I'm sure your body appreciated it.

I'd def take my own soda to the fam festivities. Be a little selfish - you & your health deserve it!

Anonymous said...

Instead of just bringing a drink for yourself, what about bringing a spectacular something to drink, enough for everyone, and say it is something you discovered and HAD to share with them since it's SO good! Maybe google different punches or something and find something cool that appeals to you.