Monday, April 19, 2010

Hello 21st century

I have joined the 21st century and gotten a smart phone! Woohoo!! I can now tweet and see twitter from my cell phone. Which may or may not be a good thing depending on how you look at it. The app is already installed. Ha! I am so excited. I got a Palm Pre and I love it. I already accidentally called my sister instead of texting her. I am a nerd.

I almost kind of cheated on the diet last night but didn't. I am pretty proud of myself. I don't know WHAT came over me when I thought about it but I am glad I didn't. Because I've really been putting in a lot of hard work and I am sure it wouldn't have hurt me if I had but it wouldn't have been worth it. I'm sure it was all PMS talking but still. I didn't give in and I'm proud of myself for it.

I had a nice compliment at work today. My coworker who I haven't seen in a few weeks told me it looks like I'm shrinking. She just started doing weight watchers and was asking me some pointers.

I'm off to finish "Dancing with the Stars" and finish up a few things.

Don't forget about my giveaway!!

1 comment:

Whitney said...

I mailed your book yesterday, so it should be there by the end of the week!!

And I'm so excited for you - you'll never be able to live without that phone once you've had it for a week - so addictive!