Saturday, October 13, 2012

Saturday fun

Today was the ING Hartford Marathon here in Connecticut and I have to admit I was thrilled watching it. I watched the coverage on television and remembered how exciting it was when I ran the NYC Half Marathon back in March of 2011. I know that someday I am going to run a FULL marathon. It's on my bucket list. Odds are it will be the Hartford Marathon because it's 20 minutes from my house and I won't have too far to travel.

It also got me motivated to get myself moving for my workout this morning. I ran a little over 3 miles on the treadmill and hit the weights after for 30 minutes. I feel really good, too. I've been using my Bowflex that I got for my Birthday last year and some free weights. I'm already thinking I need for a "home gym" that I don't already have.

Most of the day I've spent doing laundry and cleaning up the apartment. Not too exciting for a Saturday. I was going to go into work, but decided against it.  And tonight we're going to watch a little more "Mad Men" on Netflix I'm sure. Hubby hasn't been feeling too well. His kidney is bothering him. For those that don't know, my husband only has one functioning kidney.

Speaking of "Mad Men" if you watch it, do you not want to slap Betty across the face sometimes? Is that just me? We're almost done with season 3. We have a couple more episodes to go. Betty annoys the crap out of me. I love Joan. She's such a tough ass. And Peter...really dude? REALLY??  I'm still shocked by the amount of drinking and smoking that goes on in that show. My mother swears to me that it was like that. She said she smoked through all her pregnancies (thanks for that Mom).

Also... "The Walking Dead" returns tomorrow night!!

Tomorrow is "Sinister" day. I'm so excited. We already bought the tickets. We're going to go out to breakfast first, too, to one of our favorite little places.  I'm surprised I was able to get him to agree to go to the movies. He has a hard time sitting still for a long period of time sometimes, but he knows how badly I want to see this movie and he wants to see it, too. I love scary movies.

Have you ever run a marathon or do you want to?

What did you do for exercise today?

What do you have for your home gym that I should have?

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