Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!!

Halloween is my favorite holiday. It always has been. One of my favorite memories I have is trick or treating with my sisters dressed as Mickey Mouse. Another one is when I went trick or treating with my bestie (who is still my bestie) when I was 14 years old. I went as Tommy Lee from Motley Crue. Oh, whatever!! I went through a hair bands phase. So, it saddens me that we don't get any trick or treaters here. We got candy, but no kids.

I'd like to apologize for all my shitty blog posts I've put up lately. My pissy moods, my I suck posts. Whatever. I shouldn't get like that. I have no one to blame but myself for the weight gain and I'm sorry. I totally don't blame you if you want to unfollow me and not read my blog anymore. I deserve that.

I feel like I got my shit together together though. Remember how I said I rejoined Weight Watchers last week? Well, I finally started counting points today. It only took 5 days. I really needed to get my head out of my own ass.

And a big congratulations to Andrea on her first weigh in since she rejoined. She is part of the reason I went back. There are plenty of others who convinced me to go back, but after reading her blog last week, I decided it was time I did it, too.

My Mom is going to be here in 18 days.

My Birthday is in 19 days.

Tomorrow is November 1st.

I'll be in New Orleans in just a little over a month.



safire said...

I absolutely adore the next few months of holidays and festivities :). Halloween is definitely a favorite.

Hope your November is wonderful! Sounds like it's action-packed.

Carolina John said...

Yea I love the big Ween too. It was a huge hit when I lived in the mountains. We also knew that we wouldn't get any kids at our place because we live on a busy road, but we still picked up a bag of candy just in case. The candy will now go directly to my thighs.