Friday, October 26, 2012


Things I did today:

Ate chocolate cake for breakfast (don't judge me)

Rejoined Weight Watchers (I said don't judge me)

Had pizza for lunch (I can't even deal with this)

Worked with crazy people who think the world is ending because of the hurricane

Went grocery shopping and dealt with more crazy people who think the world is ending because of a hurricane

This was my day. And tomorrow I begin my journey back to losing this weight I've gained this year. I'm not happy about it, but I'm sick of feeling sorry for myself.

I'm sick of eating junk, too. It doesn't even taste good anymore.


Sarah said...

Congrats on rejoining weight watchers!!

christina said...

No judging - think its pretty awesome that you accepted you needed more help and are getting your shit back together.

why does crap that doesnt even taste all that good have control over us??? Is is incredibly frustrating!

I was on day 16 of the whole30 challenge yesterday and had a screw it mentality and threw it all away - starting back at day one today.

Abby 3313 said...

I love your blog! Simple, to the point, and stuff I can totally relate to!! Is there a way that I can subscribe to it?