Sunday, May 31, 2009
Sunday at the gym...
Hubby's gig with the band went well last night. I missed him so much and I'm glad to have him home. The next one is on June 19th and I'll be there for that.
I watched "Bride Wars" yesterday. Super cute. And I also watched "Doubt" which was also good.
Ordered a bunch of stuff from Bath and Body Works online last night. They are having a big sale right now. I am getting super low on a lot of stuff and I like to wait for the big sales.
Looking forward to spending some time with my man today and tonight.
Season finale of "Breaking Bad" tonight!!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
2.8 down
I also did 4 miles on the treadmill this morning.
Hubby is gone for the day. He left a few minutes ago to head up to a do a gig in Massachusetts with his band. Why didn't I go? Well it's simple (for me). It's a private party (a Jack and Jill) and I won't really know anyone and I don't really want to spend the whole day at a party with a bunch of strangers. I don't do well with strangers. I'm painfully shy so I'm home and doing things around the house. I plan to do some cleaning and start getting some things together for my tag sale which I'm having at the end of June.
Speaking of that, I dug out a bag of my skinny clothes. Wow. I am not getting rid of them or selling them because I will fit into them again but man they look so tiny to me. Lots of shorts and tank tops. Ha. I am going to give my older sister one of my shirts though. It has Tinkerbell on it and I'm not sure where I even got it. And she LOVES Tinkerbell.
Still loving my new cell phone.
Friday, May 29, 2009
I used the treadmill tonight when I got home. I did 45 minutes which is all I could handle but it was something. I did 3.25 miles so yeah me.
I am planning on doing some mega cleaning this weekend to start getting ready for my tag sale.
Weigh in tomorrow.
Also I am watching "What Not to Wear" for pretty much the first (and probably last) time and "Blossom" is on. She looks kind of old. And she is the same age as me. I don't think I look old. Do I look old? lol
Work was so freaking stupidly busy today. Hell.
Thursday May 28th 2009 Twitter
7:32am- holy crap!
8:33am-yeah work!
9:32am-call me at 7am to tell me you’re going to be late (in around noon) and then show up at 8:4am. Get over yourself.
9:59am-pyscho killer, run run run a waaaaayyyy!!
10:39am-I want a donut after showing my coworkers the holey donut website. I am so going to have order some of those this weekend.
10:56am-did I mention how much I want a donut?
12:10pm-papercut from hell…
1:05pm-hungry. It’s close to lunch time.
2:54pm-work got busy. Yeah for time going by fast!
2:58pm-Welcome to the jungle baby….
4:12pm-I am going to have a tag sale. I am so broke.
4:50pm-packing up my stuff for the day and soon to be heading to the grocer store.
5:45pm-hate grocery shopping!
7:30pm-Home with shopping and dinner done. I didn't kill anyone at the store so bonus!!
8:56pm-tired and grumpy. going to make tomorrow lunch and then read or go to bed. tgif tomorrow!!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Maybe you should hire a plumber.
I decided that I am going to have a tag sale at the end of June. I have so much crap and junk and I know I could make some money. I totally need to get rid of these dumb beanie babies if nothing else. Yes, I got caught up in that stupid craze.
I made it through the grocery store today without killing anyone. I swear they take a stupid pill before going there. I almost had an anxiety attack in one of the aisles.
I had hoped to get a new cell phone this weekend but we're broke. Again. So maybe in a couple weeks.
No gym today. I had a hard time falling asleep last night.
Landlord to come back tomorrow to work on the leak. If he would only hire a plumber....
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
I'm an athlete!
Also, my blood pressure is 110/70. Go me.
I am so nice I stopped and gave my neighbor a ride home today. She was walking after the bus dropped her off so I stopped and offered her a ride.
Eating is good. Exercise not so good. I hope to make it to the gym tomorrow.
I'm feeling much better today. I was still feeling crappy yesterday but that passed.
I hate not having anything to watch on television. TLC is my new favorite channel.
Twitter time
7:47am-heading out to work. Stopping to run an errand before I get there.
8:08am-leaving walgreens and off to work.
8:46am-another day another dollar.
10:02am-oatmeal and a banana. yum!
11:14am-i dont feel too hot
12:05pm-watching a seatbelt check outside work. fun.
2:11pm-totally need to watch last nights jon and kate tonight.
4:37pm-almost time to head home
5:08pm-back at walgreens and waiting.
5:57pm-making dinner
6:59pm-watching"say yes to the dress"...
8:21pm-watching last nights "Jon and Kate Plus 8". Oh wow...
9:28pm-thinking about bed soon. gym tomorrow.
Monday, May 25, 2009
only eaten 8 points
I gave up trying to sleep and came out into the living room with the husband. Started watching the "Intervention" marathon (I am all "Jon and Kate Plus 8" out right now). Fell asleep on the couch. Luckily our friend texted the hubby to remind him about the BBQ today.
I got up, still felt horrible, but showered and we went to the party. Had a great time. Saw a couple old friends I haven't seen in awhile and they didn't seem to care that I was 100 pounds heavier then the last time we hung out. Ate some chicken. Had a couple diet sodas. Spent time with old friends daughter who I have not seen in 3 years and love like she was my own niece (once upon a time she was a huge part of my life. I saw her every weekend). She is a young lady now, will turn 12 in October. I let her play with my cell phone and she took a not so flattering photo of myself. She showed me her room (she loves Twilight-we bonded over Edward. lol). I cannot get over how skinny my husbands best friend is. He is so thin. He used to be anti thin, anti diet, anti healthy and now he rides his mountain bike everywhere, goes to the gym, eats good food. It's crazy. lol
On the way home I realized I had only eaten 8 points worth of food for the day. That might explain why I had a headache. Just had a bowl of cereal.
I don't want to go back to work tomorrow. I had a nice 3 day weekend with the husband.
The picture that my little munchkin (she's nearly as tall as me, but that is who she is to me) kind of woke me up a bit. Gym and weight watchers planned for this week (I've been weighing at home again but I know meetings work better for me).
Feeling a bit better now. My throat is still sore but not as bad.
At least a parade won't wake me up tomorrow.
Also Ryan Newman finishing 2nd today? Awesome!!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
4.60 miles
I am going to start tracking all my food on sparkpeople. I'm already a member but don't really plug in my food there.
I'm going to spend the rest of the day watching in the Indy 500 and doing some housework.
I have vacation coming up soon! Woohoo! About a month from now actually. We're not going anywhere but who cares. Having time off from work is all I need. I am really burnt out. The only thing I'm annoyed with is that my coworker took 2 days off before I am off which means I'll have to cover for her job while she is out and my work gets put on the back burner (and no one does it while I'm gone either). Isn't that nice of her? She does it to me EVERY SINGLE TIME I take a vacation. It's annoying. It's not like my work won't be there when I get back but come on.
Hope everyone is enjoying their holdiay weekend!!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
instead of fries, I got veggies
I can't get over how skinny my oldest sister is. She is 125 pounds now. She lost about 75 pounds in a year. She wants to gain about 10 pounds though and is having a hard time doing that. She is going to check out going to the gym because she also wants to tone up in a few areas.
After that hubby and I went to run a few errands. I got a new shirt and bottoms but I'm not too excited about them. Shopping as a size 20 is not nearly as fun as being a size 8. Ha ha.
The depression I was stuck in yesterday seems to have passed and I'm so happy for that.
Tomorrow I plan on hitting the gym in the morning and then doing some housework during the day. I hope the hubby can grill up some chicken because I've been craving that.
I've been watching TONS of "Jon and Kate Plus 8" since TLC is having a marathon. I adore this show and can't help but feel about at how the press is just mutalating them. I know they should have known it could happen but still. I feel badly for both of them.
Another BBQ on Monday but I feel I can handle it!!
Friday, May 22, 2009
You are beautiful at any weight
"You are beautiful at any weight."
This sort of stunned me because this girl and I had a very hard friendship. I am not going to get into the details but she was married to one of my husbands closest friends. But after everything we dealt with together and apart, she was kind enough to say that to me today when I told her I was looking forward to seeing her on Monday at a Memorial day party and not to be surprised at how fat I have gotten since the last time we saw one another (2005).
I am hoping tomorrow is a gym day.
I've cried more then normal today.
bastard scale
That bastard scale hasn’t given me any good news lately anyway.
This is the reason I hate going out in public. This is the reason I don't like to go to parties. I'm so embarrassed and upset with myself for gaining this weight back and it's killing me.
It's going to be a very long day today, even if it's Friday.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
I don’t want to be your friend
-people who do not clean the equipment
-people who talk on their cell phone while on the cardio equipment
-people who talk loudly enough that I can hear them with my headphones on
-equipment hogs
-equipment hogs that use 2 machines and “save” one by placing their towel on it
-people who don’t use the “every other” rule. If there are 5 Elliptical machines and I’m on the first one in the row and there are FOUR MORE not being used, why does mister sweaty, smelly guy have to pick the one NEXT TO ME to work out on? And then not clean it when he’s done.
Guess what? I went to the gym this morning. 45 minutes on the elliptical and 30 minutes of weights. It was a hot and really sweaty workout but I enjoyed it.
I have to say, that when I saw Adam sing with Kiss last night I decided he should win Idol. It was a great finale and I kind of wish that I had seen more of the season because I feel like I missed out on a lot.
The Kenny Chesney tickets are now in my hot little hands. WITH AWESOME SEATS! Woohoo!!
The hubby and I got invited to another Memorial Day party on Monday. At first I was all panicky and trying to think of a way out of it, but I’m not going to do that. I WILL face my fears and deal with the fact that I’m 100 pounds heavier then I want to be but that doesn’t make me a bad person. That if you don’t like me for ME then I don’t want to be your friend. So there. I told myself last weekend that I need to make an effort to get out more and do stuff and this is the perfect time to do that. Plus I don’t want to spend hours on the computer anymore. I am going to limit internet time, too.
They are going to be doing construction work on the office soon. Hopefully we can still work in the office while they are doing it and not have to go to another office like we did 4 years ago when we moved. That’s a pisser. And since hubby and I share a car, kind of hard for me.
We’re having a little party here at work tomorrow just because so I need to pick up some fruit for that on my way home tonight. I bought some no pudge brownie mix but I’m saving that for this weekend.
I am so looking forward to a 3 day weekend!!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Random thoughts
-I think it’s a PMS thing
-I don’t like either one of the 2 contestants left on “American Idol”
-I’m happy with the winner of “Dancing with the Stars”
-I wish “Biggest Loser” was on all the time
-Hopefully gym tomorrow and Friday
-Yeah for a 3 day weekend
-It’s grocery night
-Having beautiful weather here
-Reading my old blog makes me sad because things were different and I miss that
-Looking forward to the BBQ at my nephew’s this weekend
-I’m bringing fruit
-I wish I had time to twitter more
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
I can be a mega bitch.
I hope that I can get some sleep tonight so that I can hit the gym tomorrow. My jeans fit quite nicely today for the first time in awhile. And I know I'm bloated (hint hint, nudge nudge).
Sometimes I feel that me and the other CSR do 80% of the work and the other one 20%.
Yeah for a 3 day weekend.
Boo for email being done all day at work.
I wish "the Biggest Loser" was still on. What am I going to watch tonight?
Super nice weather today considering it was so cold last night we had to turn the heat on. 80's tomorrow and possible 90 on Thursday. Why don't I live somewhere super warm?
Please let me sleep tonight. PLEASE!!!
Yesterday's Twitter
10:35am-back to the daily grind at work. Yeah.
11:48am-one problem with working out in the morning? I’m hungry all day.
12:45pm-dreamt about my Dad last night. It was so real it scared me.
2:17pm-frozen grapes are the best snack in the world.
2:27pm-just showed off my awesome lunge techniques and nearly fall on my butt. Good job.
3:48pm-things are moving along nicely for a Monday.
5:06pm-Quitting time! Time to fly!!
7:28pm-dinner done and laundry going. time to try to relax and catch up with the online world.
8:07pm-Think I'm going to add some songs to my gym playlist.
8:59pm-going to watch last night's "Breaking Bad' and then head to bed. Maybe hitting the gym again tomorrow.
Monday, May 18, 2009
12 stone 11 pounds
It felt awesome to get to the gym. I was able to channel that inner hatred and worked my tail off. I did 45 minutes on the elliptical and then 30 minutes of weights. I felt so freaking fantastic afterward, I wondered why I didn’t do this more often? It was nearly a year ago (next Tuesday) that I ran SCREAMING back to weight watchers due to the horrible stair incident. Yet here I am, not much smaller then I was a year ago. Hopefully by this time NEXT year I can be in a much better place.
For something different, I brought tuna for lunch today.
I watched “Marley and Me” this weekend. I read the book (twice) and yet I still cried. I call my cat Bradley the Marley of cats. Although he is not nearly that bad, he is a bit of an ahole.
I’ve watched the first 2 episodes of “The Biggest Loser UK”. I’m confused with 12 stone 11 pounds thing when it comes to their weight (although thanks to the hubby I know that 1 stone is 14 pounds) but I like watching it. I need that motivation until our show comes back on in the fall.
Speaking of “TBL” I got the new OK! Magazine with Tara and Helen on the cover and according to the magazine (although I’m not sure how much I should rely on it) Helen’s doctor told her to gain 15 pounds because she is too thin for her height. AND she said she worked out 12 hours the day before the weigh in to help get down that small. Hmpfh.
I have been invited to a BBQ on Saturday at my nephew’s place. I will have willpower to NOT eat too much. Maybe I can hit the gym before the party.
I had a dream about my Dad last night. It was so real it scared me.
Lots to catch up on at work!!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
HUGE piece of cheesecake
Up 1.2 pounds this week. Probably because of that HUGE piece of cheesecake I ate on Thursday night. But it was worth it.
Fell asleep during the "Lost" finale. Woke up right at the end. Also fell asleep during the "Grey's" finale and woke up at the end. Way to go. I think because I stayed up to watch the finale of "The Biggest Loser" that it through everything off.
Speaking of, "The Biggest Loser"...
I knew Helen was going to win. Remember a few weeks back when Jillian made that comment about Helen and how she was on the pink team and all that? That is when I realized Tara was not going to win. But you know what? Tara looks so much better. Helen is too thin. I am happy for Helen for winning, don't get me wrong, but I still think that she is too thin. 117 pounds? That is really small. Smaller then Jillian. Everyone looked great and I'm so glad that Jerry won the at home prize. Totally amazing.
Too bad I have to go back to work tomorrow.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Look what I got!

Happy Anniversary to me!! I was so surprised. My hubby loves me and I love him. Yeah love.
"Biggest Loser" recap coming. Probably won't update tomorrow but Friday is a must. Cheesecake Factory tomorrow...yeah I'm pretty much in love with the idea (never been before).
Off from work now until Monday. Awesome.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
He wears blue glasses because he wants to
Here we are at my Junior prom in 1993:

So excited for "The Biggest Loser" tonight but I can't believe it's 3 hours! That is madness! I hope I don't fall asleep. 10pm is usually my bedtime. Yikes.
No exercise yet. I am working on it. Eating is awesome.
Work was super busy. I am trying finish up as much as I can before 5pm tomorrow. I know it will be waiting for me when I get back on Monday but it will be nice to get some of it done and not have to worry about it. I am super sick of making patient charts though.
Monday, May 11, 2009
She has lost 113 pounds
I am happy for her, don’t get me wrong but it hurts just a little bit.
I hope that everyone had a super awesome Mother’s Day. I wish my Mom wasn’t so far away but I talked to her for almost 2 hours yesterday. Then we went over to my in-laws house.
I was so hungry when I got home last night. I didn’t have time to eat lunch before we went out and I was ready to eat ANYTHING when we got home. But I was able to keep it under control.
I need to get in some more exercise. I’ve been slacking again.
I have a ton of work to finish up before 5pm Wednesday. I’m off Thursday and Friday so I’m trying to get as much done as I can.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
down 2.4 pounds!
Keith Urban was freaking amazing last night! We had so much fun!! Little Big Town replaced Sugarland and they were really good. Jamey Johnson came out and did one song. His voice gives me goosebumps. Keith loves to climb into the crowd. He did it a few times. He opened with my favorite new song off his new album, Hit the Ground Running, which I totally loved. He did all my favorite songs (Stupid Boy, Raining on Sunday, Memories of Us) but I love all his songs to be honest. I should still be sleeping since I was up super late but I have so much to do today!! Second.Best.Concert. Ever! (The first being when I saw him in February of 2008)
I only have to work 3 days this week! Yeah!!
One of my oldest friends is pregnant with twins! I am so happy for her. She already has one son. Now I know FOUR people that are pregnant. I'm jealous but so not ready to have a child right now.
I'm off to watch the season finale of "Hell's Kitchen" (I managed not to find out who won) and do housework.
Darlington race tonight! Go Newman!!
Friday, May 8, 2009
I miss running.
Speaking of Keith Urban, Sugarland is not opening tonight. Turns out Jennifer Nettles (the singer) is ill and had to cancel a few shows. I’m disappointed because I really like them but I wish her all the best. Hopefully we’ll be able to catch Sugarland another time.
Really frustrated with myself with diet and exercise. I’m not sure what I am going to do right now to fix the problem. I’m sick of being so damn fat and I’m unhappy and miserable looking at myself. I have to get my shit together.
I saw a woman running this morning on my way to work. Again I miss running. I used to look forward to it every morning. *sigh*
What an amazing episode of “Grey’s” last night. I cried a lot.
I really need to get out of this funky mood I’m in. I have a long day ahead of me.
Yesterday's Twitter
8:13am-it's raining, it's pouring, it's freaking annoying! boo!
9:16am-I love how my husband hugged me this morning and I can smell his aftershave on my clothes hours later.
10:12am-bacon and sausage and eggs OH MY!
11:11am-will this day drag on forever?
12:29pm-almost lunch time.
1:59pm-reading this great book called “The Girls from Ames” by Jeffrey Zaslaw. Highly recommend it,.
2:35pm-the bff and I have been bff’s for nearly 22 years. EEK! We’re old.
3:20pm-it smells garlicy in here. Warding off vampires?
3:43pm-not feeling the treadmill thing tonight. Might just skip it and hit the gym in the morning. What do I have to lose?
3:59pm-Hubby passed his test! I knew he would!!
4:21pm-who are all you people and why do you want to be friends with me? I just went private because I'm getting requests from odd ducks.
4:36pm-almost quitting time. What an unproductive day.
7:45pm-really angry for no reason
10:01pm-great "grey's" tonight. off to bed. Keith and Sugarland tomorrow!!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Not much going on but...
I got really stressed up and upset at the end of the day at work and the first thing I wanted to do was eat. But I didn't. Go me.
No treadmill tonight. Gym tomorrow.
Keith Urban and Sugarland tomorrow night! Fun times.
Tomorrow is Friday.
Why is Donald Trump so tan?
I was so happy.
Last night I wanted to eat junk so badly. But I was able to make it through the groceyr store without picking up anything horrible and terrible for me. I was so happy.
I keep getting all these strange people adding me on twitter. I’m going to have change it so that I have to aprove someone.
Hubby has a big test at school today that I know he’s super worried about. I know he’s going to pass it but I hate to see him so worried. It’s not like him.
A week from today we will be celebrating out 16 year anniversary together and I am going to eat something super yummy from the Cheesecake Factory. Never been there but I cannot wait.
OMG! Keith Urban is tomorrow night. Awesomeness!
Looks like I’m going to be able to watch another race Saturday night. Yeah for Newman.
I have next Thursday and Friday off from work. So excited.
No gym today. Treadmill tonight and then a possbile workout tomorrow morning if I think my body can handle it.
I love to sleep. The rainy weather does not help me get up early for the gym these days.
“Grey’s” wedding tonight but the quesiton is…who is getting married?
Wednesday Twitter
8:27am-work stink! Carpets were cleaned last night and the office smells horrible!
9:57am-eating breakfast while working. It’s so stinky in here still
11:00am-I’m going to see Kenny Chesney in August!! .
12:21pm-almost lunch time. And no Hall and Oats I will not smile.
1:55pm-That is so Fetch!
2:42pm-No soliciting means NO SOLICITING!
3:09pm-just got handed a bit bombshell about insurance coverage, 401k and vacation time due to the crappy economy. Awesome.
7:19pm-resting up from work and catching up on stuff online.
8:09pm-catching up with Sunday's "Breaking Bad" before "lost"...
8:57pm-Almost time for "Lost" and then bed!!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
-the company will no longer match any 401K
-if you have the higher tier insurance you will be paying a lot more for it
-You will only be able to carry over 80 hours of vacation time a year (which is tough for people like me who gets a little over 5 weeks a year).
I guess it could be worse. We still have our jobs. I don't mind taking more vacation time (although they say we can cash in some hours and get paid the money but I'd rather take the time off) or the 401K (it sucks but still). It's the insurance thing that bugs me because if I stay on the high tier plan I will have to pay $100 a more every pay period. Since the hubby had his surgery and seems to be doing better, you never know what might happen. But we can't afford that right now so I'm going to have to change it.
Have you seen "Mean Girls"? You know the Plastics? That's us 3 customer service girls at work. *giggle*
Ready for "Lost". Going to catch up on Sunday's "Breaking Bad". Gym tomorrow. Keith on Friday!
grocery shopping night
I was thinking Keith Urban was going to be my only concert this year since we decided to skip Rascal Flatts this time around. I know when Guns N’ Roses comes around the hubby will want to go see them but now it’s looking more like 2010 for that. I saw 7 concerts last year which is unusual. I used to go to a concert every weekend when I was in high school. Ah, the days of $10.00 concert tickets. HA!
I had a tiny piece of bacon today. I can resist a lot of food but breakfast food is hard for me. One of my coworkers brought in a bunch of left over food from something they did at her kids school. I said no to the hash browns, eggs, french toast, and sausage but had to have a little bacon.
I slept like a rock last night. I love sleeping straight through the night. It usually happens when I exercise that morning. No gym today but I hope to make it there tomorrow. Maybe Friday, too, but since we’re going to the Keith Urban concert I don’t want to be half asleep by 8pm. I’m not a night owl anymore that is for sure.
It’s grocery shopping night. Yeah!
So I’m going to do my usually “Biggest Loser” talk now so if you didn’t see it, then do not read on.
OMG! Ali is still so tiny! I was so excited when I saw her waiting for Tara. And that is so awesome that Tara and Helen were able to run the marathon! And I felt horrible for Mike not being able to run but he did it. He walked 26.2 miles!! And Ron….I cried when he walked across the finish line (holding hands with the girls Ha). I am not a huge fan of his but it was so motivating to see that. It nearly motivated me to run at the gym again. Ha ha. And Bob working out Max-how freaking awesome was that? I loved how Jillian was telling her contestants it’s okay to splurge now and then. I can’t wait to see what everyone looks like next week!! I really hope that Tara wins. I am so going to miss this show when the season ends.
I’m off. It’s almost lunch time!!
Yesterday's Twitter
12:11pm-working until 5pm. great workout this morning but I am beat.
12:14pm-also I’m starving.
2:41pm-coworker got an edible arrangement today. We’ve all been eating fruit since 11am.
4:43pm-almost time to go home. Getting a haircut after work.
7:50pm-wrote out bills to pay off hubby's surgery. ouch!
8:14pm-watching "the Biggest Loser". Go Tara!
10:00pm going to bed. Hitting the gym tomorrow after tonight's "Biggest Loser" for sure!!
If interested you can follow me here.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Some stuff from today
-had a hard time getting moving at work though
-caffeine hit me around 11:30am-yeah!!
-still super jealous coworker saw Ali in the airport!
-coworker had edible fruit basket delivered to work
-pineapple flowers with mango middle are YUMMY!
-started an awesome new book on lunch called "The Girls of Ames"
-haircut after work!
-gym bag packed for gym tomorrow
-"Biggest Loser" time!
after workout boost
Speaking of exercise, I made it to the gym this morning. I did 45 minutes on the Elliptical and 30 minutes of weights. I am still disgusted by the people who can’t clean the damn equipment when their done with it. It’s totally disgusted and offensive. Maybe that’s just me but please. No one is awesome enough to not have to clean up after themselves. We’re all adults.
I had my awesome smoothie for breakfast with some protein powder added in for a little after workout boost.
I can’t wait to get my haircut tonight. It’s so long and out of control I can hardly stand it.
I am incredibly tired today. I think it’s a combination of getting up early and this crappy rainy weather we are having. Boo.
It’s “Biggest Loser” night so yeah!!
Monday, May 4, 2009
My coworker was on vacation for the past 10 days and came back to work today. He and his wife ran into Ali Vincent in the airport. I am incredibly jealous. I adore her!!
Before and after (before now)


This is me in 2004. This is what I am trying to get back to. I was around 150 pounds here. Obviously I am not that thin now. I'm 104 pounds heavier then I want to be.
I do not have a current photo of myself but I look a little something like this This picture was taken in 2000 at my bridal shower. I am NOT that tan in real life. Ha ha. I was tanning for my wedding. My guess is I was around 250 pounds but I'm not sure.
Thanks for the comments. I totally know I'm not burning off nearly as many calories as I'm taking in. I need to workout more. But like I said before, lately I'm either awesome with my food and not so great with my exercise or super awesome with my exercise and not so much when it comes to eating. I KNOW I know how to lose weight (see above photos for that) but I just can't seem to get my shit together. Ugh!
So yeah, a challenge. Still not sure if I can handle a challenge but if you are interested or have some ideas then you can email me at If I get enough people and maybe someone who can make a cool graphic (any ideas on what that should say?) we might do this.
I still don’t have much I feel I want to blog about today. I had a pretty uneventful weekend. I feel I ate too much last night (although I used Flex points) and might see a gain this week.
I feel like I’m just on a rollercoaster with my weight loss. Down 1 pound one week, up point 6 another, down point 6 the next. It shouldn’t be like that. It should be down more if I was consistent with my eating and exercise.
I am not buying 100 calorie packs anymore. They are just a waste of calories and points for me. I need to find healthier options for snacks.
I was really disappointed when I was looking at clothes yesterday at Fashion Bug. I just felt like all their clothes were too “frumpy”. I am not frumpy. I miss my skinny clothes.
I’m no longing feeling the cottage cheese anymore either. Time for something new. I couldn’t bring myself to finish it today.
I’m thinking of starting a challenge for the summer starting June 1st I’ve kind of fizzled out on the past couple of challenges and I think maybe if I actually start one I might do better.
Keith Urban is Friday! Woohoo!!
Our 16 year anniversary (as a couple) is next Thursday! OMG!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
A blast from the past....
Anyway, I just said screw it and went over there today and did 15 minutes of free weights this morning. I'm so proud of myself, too. After feeling sorry for myself last night and this morning over my poor eating these past couple of days I finally did something I'm proud of.
My shoulders are going to be sore tomorrow. They already are now. Woohoo for sore shoulders!!
I took a little bit of a running break today. I needed it. I ran for 35 minutes and that was enough. Then I did 25 minutes on the Elliptical, did my 15 minutes of free weights (Woohoo) and then I did 15 minutes of legs and abs and back work.
As much as I missed getting in a five mile run, I think I needed a bit of a break. But tomorrow I will get it in and that is cool with me.
My husband is the BEST!! He bought the score to "D0nnie Dark0" yesterday. He knew I wanted it and so did he and it's rare, too. So now I can listen to "Mad World" whenever I want (once he puts it on my MP3 player-hint hint). I love that song. It's beautiful. I love that movie, too.
"L0st" is fast becoming one of my favorite shows, EVER! It's awesome. Love that show.
Thank god I have tomorrow off. I need it. I need a vacation.
Everyone is getting sick again at work again. Fun. My boss is sick again and she never gets sick. Plus two other people are sick as well. I'm glad I won't be here tomorrow. It's my turn to have the day off and my boss not feeling good. It was the other way around last month.
From 2004 in my first blog. I didn't have much to blog about today anyway...
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Happy Saturday!!
I was down 0.2 pounds today.
I also did 6.26 miles on my treadmill today! HA! I did walking and running.
I haven't done too much today. Some housework, a little laundry. I wanted to do so much more but that just never seems to happen for me.
Getting ready to (hopefully if the rain goes away) watch a little night race tonight. I haven't watched a full race YET this season. I used to be such a hardcore Nascar fan, too.