Monday, May 4, 2009


My hips and thighs are still sore from Saturday’s 6.26 miles walk/run on the treadmill.

I still don’t have much I feel I want to blog about today. I had a pretty uneventful weekend. I feel I ate too much last night (although I used Flex points) and might see a gain this week.

I feel like I’m just on a rollercoaster with my weight loss. Down 1 pound one week, up point 6 another, down point 6 the next. It shouldn’t be like that. It should be down more if I was consistent with my eating and exercise.

I am not buying 100 calorie packs anymore. They are just a waste of calories and points for me. I need to find healthier options for snacks.

I was really disappointed when I was looking at clothes yesterday at Fashion Bug. I just felt like all their clothes were too “frumpy”. I am not frumpy. I miss my skinny clothes.

I’m no longing feeling the cottage cheese anymore either. Time for something new. I couldn’t bring myself to finish it today.

I’m thinking of starting a challenge for the summer starting June 1st I’ve kind of fizzled out on the past couple of challenges and I think maybe if I actually start one I might do better.

Keith Urban is Friday! Woohoo!!

Our 16 year anniversary (as a couple) is next Thursday! OMG!


Natasha said...

First of all, 16 years? That's great! Congratulations.

Are you working out a lot? I know that if I don't eat half the calories/points burned I am less consistent with my eating because my body needs more fuel.

Some of my favourite snacks:
MIlk and a banana
Peanut butter and apples/celery
Half a bagel and low-fat cream cheese has some great snack ideas in their meal plans if you're looking for more ideas.

P.S. If you find a challenge for the summer I would love to partake in it (if I can). I've been looking for a challenge for awhile.

M and A said...

I have only lost 10# on WW in 15 weeks. I'm currently @ 142 on the WW scale. I truley believe calories in & calories out is the way. I've been exercising 6 days a week since I started, except spring break, and I've worked hard for those 10#'s. I do 30 min. of HARD cardio (running or elliptical doing 2 min intervals w/ the resistance changing from 7 to 10) everyday & weights M,Tu, Th,Fr. I push myself as hard as I can when I'm there. I wish they came off quicker, but I do use SOME flex points & I think that affects me. I don't think I have a fast metabolism, because one bad meal & BLOOP! Anyway, keeping going. If you really want this you will work for you!

Emily said...

Hi! I am new to the weightloss blogging but I am trying to start one for the summer. If you do a summer challenge please let me know. My goal is to lose 21 pounds (but I would be happy in the 20-25 lb range period). :o) Let me know!

Good luck on your journey!

Anonymous said...

Awesome I can't wait to hear about your challenge. Can anybody sign up?

Congrats on 16 years.