Thursday, May 21, 2009

I don’t want to be your friend

Things that annoy me at the gym:

-people who do not clean the equipment
-people who talk on their cell phone while on the cardio equipment
-people who talk loudly enough that I can hear them with my headphones on
-equipment hogs
-equipment hogs that use 2 machines and “save” one by placing their towel on it
-people who don’t use the “every other” rule. If there are 5 Elliptical machines and I’m on the first one in the row and there are FOUR MORE not being used, why does mister sweaty, smelly guy have to pick the one NEXT TO ME to work out on? And then not clean it when he’s done.

Guess what? I went to the gym this morning. 45 minutes on the elliptical and 30 minutes of weights. It was a hot and really sweaty workout but I enjoyed it.

I have to say, that when I saw Adam sing with Kiss last night I decided he should win Idol. It was a great finale and I kind of wish that I had seen more of the season because I feel like I missed out on a lot.

The Kenny Chesney tickets are now in my hot little hands. WITH AWESOME SEATS! Woohoo!!

The hubby and I got invited to another Memorial Day party on Monday. At first I was all panicky and trying to think of a way out of it, but I’m not going to do that. I WILL face my fears and deal with the fact that I’m 100 pounds heavier then I want to be but that doesn’t make me a bad person. That if you don’t like me for ME then I don’t want to be your friend. So there. I told myself last weekend that I need to make an effort to get out more and do stuff and this is the perfect time to do that. Plus I don’t want to spend hours on the computer anymore. I am going to limit internet time, too.

They are going to be doing construction work on the office soon. Hopefully we can still work in the office while they are doing it and not have to go to another office like we did 4 years ago when we moved. That’s a pisser. And since hubby and I share a car, kind of hard for me.

We’re having a little party here at work tomorrow just because so I need to pick up some fruit for that on my way home tonight. I bought some no pudge brownie mix but I’m saving that for this weekend.

I am so looking forward to a 3 day weekend!!


Anonymous said...

Well said on how you feel about the gym I totally agree with everything you wrote. Especially when people don't clean up the equipment, gross. Awesome job on the workout your really doing it girl.Good for you for confronting your fears and going to the party.

Jen, a priorfatgirl said...

The rule of Every Other - LOVE IT & did an entire post on it! Man, I wonder why people don't just follow the rules!