Saturday, May 9, 2009

down 2.4 pounds!

Rock in! I'm so excited I lost 2.4 pounds! I totally didn't expect it at all but super happy about it.

Keith Urban was freaking amazing last night! We had so much fun!! Little Big Town replaced Sugarland and they were really good. Jamey Johnson came out and did one song. His voice gives me goosebumps. Keith loves to climb into the crowd. He did it a few times. He opened with my favorite new song off his new album, Hit the Ground Running, which I totally loved. He did all my favorite songs (Stupid Boy, Raining on Sunday, Memories of Us) but I love all his songs to be honest. I should still be sleeping since I was up super late but I have so much to do today!! Second.Best.Concert. Ever! (The first being when I saw him in February of 2008)

I only have to work 3 days this week! Yeah!!

One of my oldest friends is pregnant with twins! I am so happy for her. She already has one son. Now I know FOUR people that are pregnant. I'm jealous but so not ready to have a child right now.

I'm off to watch the season finale of "Hell's Kitchen" (I managed not to find out who won) and do housework.

Darlington race tonight! Go Newman!!


Anonymous said...

Whoo Hoo way to go girl, 2.4 pounds rock on! Glad you had fun at the concert last night.

Shelley said...

Yeah for you! Hope you have another good week!

Laurie said...

Way to go!! Make it great (short) work week!!