Wednesday, May 6, 2009

grocery shopping night

I’m going to see Kenny Chesney in August! Woohoo!! My coworker who always lets us know when there is a concert coming up asked if we wanted to go to see him and we jumped at it. There is going to be 8 of us going so it’s going to be a blast!

I was thinking Keith Urban was going to be my only concert this year since we decided to skip Rascal Flatts this time around. I know when Guns N’ Roses comes around the hubby will want to go see them but now it’s looking more like 2010 for that. I saw 7 concerts last year which is unusual. I used to go to a concert every weekend when I was in high school. Ah, the days of $10.00 concert tickets. HA!

I had a tiny piece of bacon today. I can resist a lot of food but breakfast food is hard for me. One of my coworkers brought in a bunch of left over food from something they did at her kids school. I said no to the hash browns, eggs, french toast, and sausage but had to have a little bacon.

I slept like a rock last night. I love sleeping straight through the night. It usually happens when I exercise that morning. No gym today but I hope to make it there tomorrow. Maybe Friday, too, but since we’re going to the Keith Urban concert I don’t want to be half asleep by 8pm. I’m not a night owl anymore that is for sure.

It’s grocery shopping night. Yeah!

So I’m going to do my usually “Biggest Loser” talk now so if you didn’t see it, then do not read on.

OMG! Ali is still so tiny! I was so excited when I saw her waiting for Tara. And that is so awesome that Tara and Helen were able to run the marathon! And I felt horrible for Mike not being able to run but he did it. He walked 26.2 miles!! And Ron….I cried when he walked across the finish line (holding hands with the girls Ha). I am not a huge fan of his but it was so motivating to see that. It nearly motivated me to run at the gym again. Ha ha. And Bob working out Max-how freaking awesome was that? I loved how Jillian was telling her contestants it’s okay to splurge now and then. I can’t wait to see what everyone looks like next week!! I really hope that Tara wins. I am so going to miss this show when the season ends.

I’m off. It’s almost lunch time!!

1 comment:

Carolina John said...

yea ron made me cry too. dang stupid ron. tara finished in 4:55, i'm running a marathon june 13th and my goal is to break 5 hours. so Go TARA!~ that was really cool.