Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Green monster issue solved!!

I took of my green monster issue today. Instead of the clear container that I usually drink it out of I poured it into a coffee cup with a top and drank it that way. No one was the wiser. I remembered my straw, too, which makes it a lot easier to drink.

I don't know if it's me or not, but I'm just not really into "The Biggest Loser" this season. There really isn't anyone I like all that much and I don't really feel into it like I have been in the past. There is no Ali or Tara or Rebecca for me this year.

Oh a happy note my sister found a new job. It's been almost 3 months since she was late go (from where I work) and I am so happy for her. I miss working with her and it was hard to get used to not seeing her everyday. I am so glad she was able to find something so fast.

And speaking for work? Things are going well this week. I'm happy to report that.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that you're having a better week at work. :)

I'm totally can't get into BL this season either. We've actually stopped watching.

Yah for your sis!!

Angela Power said...

When I first started drinking GMs I always put it in a travel mug so that I couldn't see it! hehe

I'm not watching BL either - something about me getting bigger and them getting smaller isn't all that motivating for me right now! lol