Monday, March 1, 2010

I have a case of the Mondays

I was debating on whether or not I was going to blog tonight or not. I had a yet another rough day at work and I don't want to post yet another bummer of an update.

I enjoyed my first hockey game yesterday. Of course I wanted the USA to win but that was an amazing game and Canada deserved the Gold. And Silver is NOTHING to balk at either.

I wasn't going to go down to the other office tomorrow for my coworkers baby shower but I adore him and I have decided to go. I know he is going to be a great father and I deserve a couple hours out of the office enjoying myself now and then just like everyone else. I'm afraid of what I am going to come back to though. I haven't gotten him a gift yet so I am going to have to swing by Target on my way down and pick up a few little girlie baby gifts (he and his wife are having a girl).

My chicken that I cooked in the crock pot came out good. I call it "fruited chicken". I throw in chicken breast, chicken broth, some dried apples, dried cranberries, some garlic and some pepper and just like it simmer all day. I ate that with some green beans and a baked potato for lunch today. It was super yummy!! I am going to have it again tomorrow but I may get sick of it after a couple of days. I will probably try to freeze the other pieces I cooked for lunches down the road.

I am trying to eat cleaner. I know it's better for my body and I feel better doing it. I really enjoyed the Core plan when weight watchers offered that and so I'm trying to follow that even though they don't do it anymore. Yet count my points as I go along.

I feel like I haven't really spent anytime with my husband in the past couple of days. He was gone for most of Saturday. And then I was gone for a chunk of Sunday.We spent some of yesterday together though. And then today I worked and he was at school. And tonight he is out again. And I'll most likely be sleeping when he gets home. I miss him. This weekend I want to spend all of Saturday night with him. Maybe even like a date night or something. We hardly EVER do that. We haven't since October.

I'm going to go catch up on blogs. I'm trying not to let my depression get the best of me. Hopefully the weekend will get here before I know it.


Laura said...

Mmm, the fruited chicken sounds delicious! I'm going to give that a try tonight.

Carolina John said...

buckle up virginia. Spring is right around the corner. I saw crocuses and redbuds blooming on my run saturday. look forward to the brighter days and it will keep you happy.