Wednesday, January 27, 2010

About the car...

Um so my car? Yes it really blew up this time.

But I'm actually calm about it. We have a truck a friend let us borrow. And the in laws are going to buy us a car until the husband starts working and then we will pay them back. So we will have 2 cars. So I can drive the truck since the other car is stick and I don't drive stick. Yes-I am a Nascar girl and don't drive stick. Whatever. We will be trying to fix my car in the mean time. It's the transmission.

Fun times.

But I'm calm about it and not eating my stress.

I am allowed overtime at work so I am going to take advantage as much as I can stand. There is plenty of work to be done.

Also may be able to start going to the gym in the mornings with a car of my own to drive.

We shall wait and see.

1 comment:

Carolina John said...

ugh, car trouble is the worst. i hope it all works out ok. i had to borrow cars for 2 months before i got my own in december.