Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I'm here and not working out

So the reason I'm not at the gym right now and I'm home here updating my blog? My car died. Hubby was on his way home from school and the car blew up. Ugh. It's so annoying. It seems like every time things start to fall into place something else falls apart.

Right now hubby is at his parents house trying to fix the car. He is hoping that it can be fix and it isn't going to cost us mega money. Because right now we just don't have the money. We're living on ONE car as it is. Hubby's best friend let him borrow a truck for as long as we need it. But this just sucks

I did end up staying late at work and getting in a little more extra money but it wasn't what I really had planned or wanted. That will burn me out quickly.

I'm off to watch "The Biggest Loser" and hate on the red team.

1 comment:

purple_moonflower said...

I just got finished watching. I am hating on the red team too!