Monday, January 11, 2010

Feeling sickly

Not feeling all that hot tonight. I really hope I'm not getting sick because right now I can't really afford to miss any work. I have mountains of paperwork piled up on my desk (and behind my desk) and I can only imagine what a sick day would do. But ha-I have Monday off and that is going to be so funny when I come back. But I'm blabbing.

I am hoping, HOPING, to hit the gym tomorrow morning if I am still feeling up to it. I am feeling like I'm back in the game right now. I am running out of time to get in shape before our 10 year wedding anniversary. So right now it's kind of like I'm trying to lose as much as I can before September.

Off to go relax. "Walk the Line" is on and I totally love that movie. We own it, but I watch it whenever it's on.


Respectfully Yours said...

HOpe you feel better.

Carolina John said...

ugh. no good. hope you feel better soon. get plenty of liquids?