Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Treadmill time!

No gym but I hit the treadmill tonight so I'm happy with that. It was worth it.

I finally broke down tonight about the work situation. I miss my sister. A lot. It sucks. We grew so close the past 2+ years. I miss her like crazy. I called her today on my lunch break. I have free tickets to see "Leap Year" for Thursday night but she can't go. But we are going to get together soon.

I'm off to watch "The Biggest Loser". I'm already crying. Such a dork.


Melis.sa said...

Good job hitting the treadmill! Dude, i was crying like 4 times during the episode...and i'm not that sensitive of a person..

Anonymous said...

whoo hoo on hitting the treadmill. Oh my gosh wasn't TBL amazing last night? I was tearing up at a lot of what they were saying.