Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Feeling much better

I'm obviously not going to make it to the gym in the morning. As much as I want to and try to, it just ain't going to happen for me anytime soon. So I have to start going at night. I know I keep saying this but it MUST happen.

And tomorrow it will. Tonight is grocery night so it won't happen tonight.

Work is still busy. It still sucks having lost 2 people. I am super busy and the day goes by pretty quickly.

September is going to be here before I know it and I really hope to be around 200 pounds by then. Plus if I want to be able to walk around Vegas comfortably (and Arizona, too) I need to get into some better shape.

Have a great one my blogger friends!!


Pam said...

I'm glad your feeling better! Have a great day at work!! :)

Carolina John said...

glad you're feeling better! it's always fun when the office loses someone and you have to pick up their slack for no extra money or recognition. not much else you can do though.

purple_moonflower said...

I'm glad you feeling better. I hate being sick and I'm not a good patient! I'm sorry about all the crap at work. That really sucks!!

I also wanted to let you know I have a blogger award for you, if you don't already have it. Please stop by when you get a chance to learn more about it.