Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sunday workout

I had plans for today. I had plans to go work some overtime and then go to the gym.

But that didn't happen. I didn't want to go to work. I burnt out from last week and even though we need the extra money I didn't go. I slept until nearly 11am. Which is really unheard of for me. I don't remember the last time I slept in that late.

But that left me feeling guilty about not going to the gym and I about not working out. I managed to go and use the treadmill. I finally used my Polar and it told me I burned off 502 calories in 60 minutes. Which is way less then what the treadmill told me. I'm pleased that I did that and don't know what I don't use it more. It is really cold outside but once I get moving the garage warms up and I'm fine.

As for the overtime I'll get some this week by staying late. We need the money.

It's a shame how fast the weekend goes by. I am not looking forward to Monday at all. I do have the thought of a 4 day weekend coming though. I have the 12th and 15th off. Woohoo!!


Pam said...

I know it is so hard for me to get started... but, once I'm working out... It seams easier. ;) You can do it! Long weekends are like dangaling a cookie in front of me! haha

Tamzin said...

Motivation can be hard to find some weekends!! Great news on your loss though! :) Have fun with OT this week.

Tiff said...

Hey there! Good job on the loss yesterday!