Thursday, July 2, 2009


I did not want to workout this morning. For some reason I enjoy going to the gym much more then using my treadmill at home. But I promised myself this was the week I was going to start really busting my ass and I did it. And I was so happy that I did when I was done. I was dripping with sweat (I have pictures but I have to wait until the hubby gets home to post them because I have no clue where the cord is to get the pictures off the camera right now) and I also ran for a bit.

Now usually I run for a minute, walk for 90 seconds, run for a minute, walk for 90 seconds. Well today I ran for 3 minutes. I was just really frustrated today and it felt good to take it out in exercise.

I seriously can't wait to hit the gym tomorrow. I'm going to try and get up early so I don't have to worry too much about the crowds. I know a lot of people are off tomorrow.

I think I might go Saturday, too. I'm determined right now.

I am looking forward to weigh in on Saturday. I want to be under 250 so badly!! And I have a feeling I'm going to see it this week.

Sadly my vacation is coming to an end. But I plan to hit the gym PLENTY now that I'm back in the workout groove. Can't wait to start bringing green monsters in to work everyday. Ha ha!!

And lastly, please go visit Manderz and congratulate her on 90 pounds lost. What an awesome job!!


Manderz said...

Thank You Thank You Thank You for the shout out!!!

Good job getting your work out in today! I always say that the hardest part is getting out the door. Once I am running or at the gym, I feel so much better!

Good luck @ your weigh in!

Anonymous said...

Great job on getting to the gym. I know how you feel. Even on those days when I don't want to workout, once I'm there and in the zone I love it.

The 250's are so close, I know you will hit that mark *crossing my fingers that it happens this week*
