Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Do you all remember back when I was supposed to have a free session with a personal trainer? Well it’s happening tonight. I need it and it’s a good reason to get myself to the gym. I had originally scheduled it for last week but canceled it because of the whole work thing. But she called me this morning to see if we could reschedule so I said why not. Why not? What excuse do I have? I don’t have one. I had originally asked if she could beat me up like Jillian which made her laugh. I am hoping for a good beating.

I certainly cannot AFFORD to pay for a personal trainer which I already told her since we’re pretty much broke right now but a free session is nice and since they are offering it at my gym and I was supposed to do it months ago, it is worth it. I’m not afford to try anything and I have always wanted to try the pull up machine (which I never tried when I was in 100% awesome shape). So we’ll see how that goes.

Work is not too bad today.

Someone gave hubby a huge bag of blueberries from their garden. I am set for awhile. Very nice.

I am super excited for the new season of “The Biggest Loser” to start.


Johnny said...

Good luck with the personal trainer. I wish I could afford one as well. O-Well, I am will have to settle for Tony Horton and P90X on my TV!!!

Laura said...

When does the new season start? I don't even have it on my calendar, but I am totally looking forward to having my built in workouts on Tuesday nights again!

Jen, a priorfatgirl said...

so glad you got yourself in for the free session - its free, so why not!