Sunday, August 9, 2009

Can I have a do over?

Drove to the gym only to find they were close due to having no electricity . I loathe my treadmill right now so I guess that means no workout today.

Today is probably going to be a bad day all around because the hubby and I are already fighting. I'm in a bad mood because of the gym. I feel like I haven't gotten enough sleep in 2 weeks. I'm tired. I'm cranky. I'm bloated. It's PMS. I want cake. I want a cheeseburger. I hate being a woman right now.

I want to crawl back into bed and I might just due that even though its nearly noon here.

I am thinking of trying morning workouts again. If my gym has electricity tomorrow.

I hate having one car.

Can I start this day over?


Laurie said...

I say, "Take a nap!!" It's much better for your body than loading up on cake and a cheeseburger as good as that sounds. :)

Carolina John said...

yep, we can all hope. i just had a job interview waste 2 hours of work time that i can't get back. effin dumbasses. that's the way today goes!