Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Yes this is a weight loss blog

I know this is a weight loss blog and I promise I will get back to that. I promise.

I feel like a big weight has been lifted from my shoulders since I started applying for a new job. Is that strange? I went into work today and pretended everything was fine. Kept a smile on my face and did my job. What really pushed me over the edge to start looking? Getting stabbed in the back by my so called "friend". The one that I was so worried about last week, that I wanted to help. That was having a hard time. She totally stabbed me in the back big time and I will not forgive her for it. It wasn't until she came into the office that I really started hating my job.

It's strange. I haven't looked applied for a new job in so long. This job, the one I have now, kind of fell in my lap by surprise. I had applied in 2000 but they had already filled the position. And then 3 months later they called me for an interview. They hired me the day I was interviewed. I miss my old boss, the one that hired me. He was amazingly awesome.

I know it may take awhile to find something. I can wait. I know I may be a little over qualified for some of the jobs I applied for but I'll take what I can get. I may not be qualified for one of the jobs I applied for. It doesn't hurt to try, right?

And once hubby is done with school, I will (hopefully) but able to start some sort schooling of my own.

Speaking of the hubby, he went for his doctors appointments today. His blood pressure is almost normal. 122/70. Woohoo! His doctor was happy and wants him to lose a little more weight (nice he just has to change his eating and he drops 20 pounds). So we are hopefully going to start hitting the gym together soon. If he can lose some more weight and his blood pressure stays the same, he can go off the blood pressure medication!! Then he went for his follow up with his surgeon and she wants him to go for another cat scan. I'm not too happy about that. I don't want more surgery. And if I do find another job, the whole insurance thing is going to be a mess since it's my insurance he is on right now. But we'll worry about that. The surgeon also recommended he see a specialist so he has another doctor he might have to see. Fun times.

Undecided if I'm going to see Kenny Chesney on Thursday night at this point. Coworker is going and I am not sure I want to deal with her outside of work. My sister is going and a bunch of her friends are going so I know she will be fine without me there and she totally understands if I don't go. Plus she knows someone who will buy my ticket. I WANT to go and have a good time, but I could use the money and don't want to deal with coworker. We'll see. If I don't go, coworker will know for sure how much I hate her. And yes, I think I can say I hate her. I don't use that word very much but I trusted her. And she betrayed me. I don't handle that well.

I have had a headache for 2 days now.

Eating is good. Considering I didn't eat much yesterday.

No exercise since Friday. Hopefully getting back to the gym soon. I was up too late last night and didn't sleep well (big surprise).

Off to relax a bit before bed. Not sure if I even like "More to Love". These woman kind of annoy me. Is that mean?


Carolina John said...

more to love is a horribly exploitive show. The focus is in the wrong place, and it's totally fine for it to annoy you. i hate it.

i'm doing the same thing on the job search right now. keep your head down, nose on the grindstone, give them the same 8 hours with the same output just like you have for the last 10 years.

i've also been applying for jobs that i'm overqualified for. programming jobs in languages I don't normally write as well. turns out my primary language is no longer in favor with the work force. that's a fun thing to come to terms with.

InWeighOverMyHead said...

I hope you get a new job if that is what you want. i HATE co workers who are backstabbers.