Thursday, August 27, 2009

Sarah 1 lack of motivation 0

I went to the gym tonight. Not sure why I was trying to force myself to go in the mornings again when it is much easier to go at night these days. As much of a morning person as I am, I just find it easier to get up and do things around the house before work and then hit the gym at night after work.

30 minutes of weights and 30 minutes of cardio (that included a 5 minute warm up on the bike and then 25 minutes on the elliptical). My arms are super sore from this pull up machine I am super in love with that I finally started using after 8 years of going to my gym. Is it wrong to love exercise equipment?

I have had 2 dreams in the past month about the woman who was my Matron of Honor in my wedding. We were super close for a very long time but drifted about as people tend to do. I'm wondering what my mind is trying to tell me. I think I am going to call her this weekend. I haven't spoken to her in about 4 years now.

Hubby and I are going to run off for some karaoke now. I'm not exactly thrilled about being up late but he wants to go. He loves to sing and I want to support him.


Natasha said...

I like looking up my dreams on the internet. They always have the most interesting interpretations.

You'll have to let us know what songs your husband sang.

Carolina John said...

woo hoo! i love hitting the gym at night. it makes me sleep so much better. have a great weekend!