Tuesday, August 18, 2009

OMG my legs!

So the personal trainer? She was not kind to me. Ha ha. I hurt. Already. And I bet tomorrow is going to be worse. My legs are so sore. And you know what else? I actually signed up for more sessions. I know, I said I wasn't going to do it but I had some money put away and I went for it. I never spend money on myself because I just don't these days and I felt I was worth it. So she is going to call me tomorrow and schedule something else.

Part of the reason I signed up for some sessions was because I liked her. She was super nice and I liked that. She didn't pressure me into signing up. I wanted to. I need the extra push right now to do more then what I am, you know?

She took my body fat (wasn't as bad as I thought. Not good but not as bad) and my BMI (again not as bad as it could have been). She will do inches and weight at my next session. She was really impressed with my nutritional knowledge and that I eat 4-5 times a day. She's also entering a fitness competition. She isn't super muscular. She's my height and where I want to be weight wise (150) so if I could look like her I would be happy.

By the way? "Biggest Loser" starts September 15th. I've seen 2 commercials so far and they are bringing Daniel back from last season (orange team).


1 comment:

Lex said...

Wow! Glad you had a great time with the PT!
I am loving that september is coming - so many shows so many shows what am i going to do!?!?!?!