Friday, August 28, 2009

Happy Friday baby!!

Didn't end up going to do karaoke last night with the hubby. I was too tired after my workout. We started to go but I was just beat.

I saw a skunk when I was coming home last night. That was a bit scary. Don't get me wrong, I love wild animals and all and I wouldn't dare harm them and no they are more afraid of me and all that but geez, it was right at under my porch steps. Ha ha. Also-I didn't want to get sprayed. Yuck-o.

There was a NASTY 4 car accident right out in front of my work today. 3 ambulances showed up. 5 cop cars. 2 fire trucks. And 2 EMT/rescue vehicles. They stopped traffic in one direction and wouldn't let anyone out of the work parking lot for over an hour. Luckily it was all cleared up before had leave work but it was scary. There were kids in one of the cars involved and they were taken in one of the ambulances. Everyone was out and walking though so that was a good sign.

Super tired tonight. No gym. Planning on going tomorrow though.

Talked myself out of a cheat tonight. It is so not worth it. And in 3 weeks we will be at the Cape and I know I won't be watching what I eat then.

Speaking of the Cape, can I please not have any hurricanes? Thanks. 2 weeks in a row the Cape has been hit with one. I don't want to be camping (in a tent) during a hurricane. Not a lot of fun.

Wish I was at the Taylor Swift concert tonight. My sister and tried to win tickets but no luck.


1 comment:

InWeighOverMyHead said...

Could luck talking yourself out of a cheat!