Saturday, August 22, 2009

Up 1.6

I totally deserve to be up this week. I need to get serious about the exercise again. That is my main issue right now. I haven't been very good about it for the past couple of weeks.

I did make it to the gym on Thursday night and did 45 minutes on the elliptical and then 30 minutes of weights. My legs were not happy with me but I pushed through it.

Friday my legs were feeling much better. And today they are nearly back to normal. But I am sure come Monday night I will be in some pain again, since I see the trainer again. But only time will tell.

The part for our dryer came in yesterday so hubby will be putting that together today for me so I can wash and dry clothes. I have a huge pile of dirty clothes to take care of. Not something I'm overly excited about.

I cannot wait for our trip to the Cape next month. I need a vacation!!

I may go hit the treadmill.

Hurricane Bill is making it's way to Connecticut this weekend. We've had enough rain thank you very much.

Off to do some housework.


Brianna said...

It's okay, Sarah. I commend you for going to a trainer!! That's bound to make a difference in a few weeks. My legs ache FOR you! :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the gain. Please dont' be so hard on yourself. We all have times when we stray away from our routine of working out and/or eating right. It's gonnea happen, just remember that you can get back on track again and keep going. You just have to believe you can. I believe you can do it.
