Monday, August 24, 2009

Trainer night number 2

Being a Monday I thought it would be super busy at the gym. Imagine how surprised I was when I got there at 6:55pm and saw it wasn't. I was happy about though. So I am actually going to be trainer with someone different, not the original girl who signed me up. I'm cool with that. She is actually the manager and she does the first trainer session and then she assigns people to her trainers.

I like the guy I am going to be training with. He seems pretty nice and pushed me pretty hard. He kept asking me if the weights were heavy enough, not heavy enough, etc. I really busted my butt tonight my friends. And loved it. I only did worked out for an hour, but man I feel it all over.

So the trainer wants me to only do 20-25 minutes of cardio. He said anything more then that is too much. I'm going to try that and see how that goes. I am to do 5 minutes of warm up on my choice of cardio machine, then my weight training and then my 20-25 minutes of cardio. I am to push myself during cardio though to get my heart rate going. Right now we're focusing on weight loss and building muscle and losing inches.

He took my inches, which I already knew since I took them a couple weeks ago. Happy to see that they were the same and not more then I did myself. My BMI and body fat percentage are not pretty but I am going to see that go down. We are going to check that again in 4 weeks. I can't wait to see the results.

I got to try a machine tonight that I have never tried before. I've always been a little afraid of it. It's a pull up machine. I am totally going to feel it tomorrow. Ha ha. I did planks. I did push ups. I did squats. I did more lunges (ugh). I did overhead presses. I don't even pay attention to everyone around me while I'm doing it. I'm there to workout and I could care less that people are watching me. I was so happy I wasn't doing what these poor other girls were doing (running ha ha).

After my session I did my 25 minutes of cardio.

And now I'm totally exhausted.

Off to catch up on blogs before heading to bed!!


InWeighOverMyHead said...

Great job at the gym!

Anonymous said...

Wow I had no idea you were working out with a trainer. Guess that shows I'm not a good follower with everybody's blogs, sorry. Anyhoo great job with getting a trainer. I know it's amazing how working out with a trainer can really make you feel it, especially the next day. Great job with he workout tonight. Cant wait to hear about your results for this week, especially since your not going to be doing as much carido, but it does sound like yoru trainer knows what he is talking about. Wow after just reading about your workout today I'm exhausted myself, good luck with another successful workot.


carla said...

three cheers for YOU and for your trainer!!

totally agree with him about the cardio too. less can be so so much more :)


Carolina John said...

awesome sarah! Those trainers really know their stuff most of the time. ask him about intensity of cardio. I always thought that less cardio could be more effective (weight loss wise) if you ramped the intensity up really high. That's why you see basketball players (run in short bursts) all muscular and marathoners (long distances) just skin and bones.

Andy said...

That's interesting, because the trainer I met with told me the same thing, less cardio. Maybe there's something to it!

Good luck with the new trainer, can't wait to read about how everything works out!