Thursday, August 20, 2009

Was it something I said?

I've lost 2 followers in the past 2 days. Did I say something or do something?

Hubby may need more surgery. Soon. I'm very sad about this. Luckily for us, since he already had surgery this year it probably won't cost too much money because of it. And the whole deductible thing is already taken care of. I just hate the fact that he may have to go back into the hospital again. *cry* We won't know for sure until he goes to see his doctor on Tuesday. But it's not looking too good as of today. Boo!!

Did I mention my legs are even worse today then they were yesterday? Yep. Even worse. Everyone at work says I'm walking around like a pregnant woman. Ha ha.

I'm going back to the gym tonight. Woohoo.


♥ Dee ♥ said...

Maybe they took offense to being advertised to? I mean, I skip those ads you do, but love your personal posts.

Brianna said...

Yeah, no offense, but it's probably the advertising.

Natasha said...

I smile every time you post about your legs. It's so hilarious (not that you're in pain, of course). I feel the same way after my kickboxing class. I squatted down to pick up something off the bottom shelf the day after and I was quite concerned that I wasn't going to get back up.

I'm keeping your husband in my thoughts.

InWeighOverMyHead said...

I hope everything turns out ok for your husband. Good job on going to the gym!

karen said...

I'll be keeping you & your husband in my prayers!

Carolina John said...

have a great weekend sarah!